This has nothing to do with sports and hence the title, 'bad bounce'. I need a place to save the below email and my blog spot is the perfect guinea pig.
You see, this is an email I wrote to my "then Girl Friend, now wife", at lunch time when I was an Intern with Viewlocity Inc during my Grad School days. This is what you get when you cross hunger pangs with a text editor. I remember that eating out was quite a luxury then and I was never known for my enthusiasm in the kitchen. This would inevitably lead to a prolonged period of self imposed starvation until something gave. Posting it in memory of those good old days of trials and tribulations:
I am in that painful predicament soooo hungry....but too fed up of burgers to resort to them to pacify my hunger....just dont want to eat burgers...anything else wud be too work i have nuthing to home i wud be too tired/lazy to cook ...anyway there wudnt be much choice other than biryani or egg burjee or noodles...all of which i am fed up of as well....everytime i get hungry i am faced with the eternal problem of striking a balance between good food and money...normally i am the spenthrift who convinces himself into spending...coz thats wat money is for ( i wud say to myself)..but today presents an even more gut-achingly interesting dilema..i have recently realized that my pocket size is delusional....apparantly it is smaller than it appears...hence the balance today has dominantly shifted towards the "pocket ur money and starve" side...this writing to you and explaining is a bleak and maybe even satirically humourous attempt to possibly drift my attention from the real issue at hand ( my rumbling belly)...Interestingly i have been confronted with this pestering quandry so many times that i know pretty well how it ends...but I seem to fall victim to it everytime anyway.....FYI...i will either suffer silently or grumble and suffer for as long as i can until sumone else suffering from the same predicament comes along and we find solace in company (sumtimes even a solution)..other times the stomach wins the battle over the wallet and we end up doing the inevitable..i.e. spending....but as of now....there is no solution... i have to suffer...until i am driven to break the rules of my "self proclaimed adversity" or muster enough enthusiasm to cook for myself......i know this saga shall return to haunt me tommorow and day after again.....and probably haunts most of my friends who are in the same boat as I...but i doubt if anyone has a real solution to it.....So here's hoping this cry for help (more of a yelp in pain) relieves me of this groaning i hear inside of me...
lovingly and grumblingly yours,
A very hungry Vinay
After thought: No wonder I weighed 130 lbs.
25 September 2006
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